
SUNY Oswego Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Application

The RF/SUNY Oswego seeks to retain consultants with the experience, knowledge, and skill to develop, design, and deliver training and capacity-building services. This is done through the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Online Application system where consultants can submit a qualification application in various program areas.

Applications are then reviewed and if qualified, these consultants will be placed into a pool of qualified vendors and will then be able to submit bids on future opportunities for that program area. The target audience for training and capacity-building services is OTDA State staff, local Department of Social Services staff, not-for-profit providers, and community based organizations.

The review committee will specifically be focusing on 4 areas:

  1. Knowledge and Experience: Qualified Vendors must demonstrate knowledge, expertise and experience in the Program Area in which they are requesting to be qualified for. Vendors should describe examples of both customized and off the shelf programs that they have delivered.

  2. Social Service Experience: Qualified Vendors must demonstrate knowledge and experience in working with Social/ Human Services organizations. Describe any experience conducting training, consulting or providing services for government, but more specifically Social/Human Services organizations and/or their clients.

  3. Evaluation: Qualified Vendors must demonstrate experience in evaluating their services in order to determine its effectiveness as well as client/customer satisfaction. This is a required component of all programs. Vendors should explain the methods used to gather feedback as well as the methodology. Describe examples of the tools used and cite the results from some of your evaluations. You may also wish to upload an example of an evaluation form/tool that you use.

  4. References: One reference will be required for Knowledge and Experience and one reference will be required for Social Service Experience. References should be credible and professional. They should be able to discuss your abilities and experiences as to how it relates to the application.

Qualifications will continue to be accepted on a continuous basis and are reviewed monthly. Consultants who were previously qualified as a consultant for a specific program area do not need to reapply for that program area. Consultants who applied and were not qualified for a particular program area may reapply for that program area 6 months after having been rejected. If you are unsure about your status, you can email rfqhelp@oswego.edu for clarification.

Consultant service contracts are anticipated to continue to be awarded throughout 2018 and beyond. Because the services are provided statewide on an as-needed basis, exact locations and timeframes of deployment of services cannot be predicted. RF/SUNY Oswego does not guarantee work as a result of being qualified as a consultant through this process.

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